Wednesday, March 14, 2007


This game is obsessing it takes up class time. Once you start you just cant stop. I hate it when teachers tell me when i can and cannot play winter bells i also hate it when you get 9 billion and no one believes you. Like effen mike and Colin. Mike b saw it and he will not tell the truth he is a jerk. I am about to cry. I was so proud to get 9 billion. This score was the best thing that ever happened to me in school. Ms. E constantly tells me that i cant play games. what she doesn't realize is that winter bells is an addiction. Once you start you need to beat you score. I have decided to admit my self into rehab. I do not know where this rehab station is, but i know i need it. GAMES CAN KILL and i need to stop, but not today maybe next week but not today.


Colin said...

max there is no possible way you got that many points on winterbells.. you suck at that game and we all know it

Colin said...

max there is no possible way you got that many points on winterbells.. you suck at that game and we all know it

mike said...

max i must agree with colin. you really do suck at that game and even if you were good there is no way you would get 9 billion. oh yeah and how could i see you get 9 billion points when that NEVER happened?

mike rivamonte said...

dude i do not believe you either man. you are not very good at that game and you are not known for your endurance. you said it took you 15 minutes which is a long time but too long so i know you are making it up.

mike said...

yeah you could quit next week... to bad next week never comes